Author Archives: Emily Baltz

July 30

What’s happening in the brain with COVID-19?

[En español] What are the neurological symptoms of COVID-19?  At this point, most of us are familiar with the common symptoms of COVID-19: fever, cough, sore throat, muscle ache, diarrhea, and fatigue. We also know that the worst complications can be pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome.  Acute respiratory distress syndrome can lead to hypoxia […]

April 02

Working With Distractions

Many of us are working from home to practice social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Home contains distractions, including family members, chores, social media, and many other possible activities. All of us want to be the best worker/parent/person we can be, but managing different tasks and switching seamlessly between them is difficult. The ability you’re […]

December 05

When it gets dark, people get SAD (seasonal affective disorder)

Here in San Diego, we get a minimum of 9 hours and 59 minutes of sunlight, even in the dead of winter. Boston and Chicago get closer to 9 hours and Anchorage gets as low as 5.5 hours compared to Miami’s 10.5 hours. Does this dramatic difference in sunlight have any health effects? 1% of […]