Meet The Writers

NeuWriters at a “How to pitch” workshop


Jacqueline Mosko (@jacquelinemosko | posts) is a neurosciences PhD student at UCSD, working in the Azim lab at the Salk Institute. Here, she is focused on studying how neural circuitry underlying touch perception may be modulated by internal state and experience. Outside of the lab, Jacky enjoys spoiling her pets (four guinea pigs and one dog) as well as drinking copious amounts of coffee, rock climbing, collecting unique nail polish, and reading mysteries.













Where are they now?! NeuWrite Alumni!

Andy J. Arnold ( | posts)

Emily Baltz (@ebaltz | posts)

Laura Beebe (posts)

Elena Blanco-Suarez (@westboundsigned | @neurocosas | web | posts ) is an Assistant Professor in the department of Neuroscience and Neurosurgery at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia (PA). She still writes in her blog Brain Chemistry in Psychology Today, and collaborates in local science outreach and scicomm projects. She spearheaded the Spanish translations in NeuWriteSD.

Cailey Bromer (@cbromes | webposts)

Christian Cazares (@fleabrained | posts)

Minerva Contreras (posts)

Brittany Fair (@brittanydfair | posts) is a neuroscientist turned science writer, podcast host and blogger. She works at the Salk Institute where she writes articles, produces science videos and co-hosts Salk’s podcast, Where Cures Begin. Previously, she worked at CNN as well as Brigham and Women’s Hospital as a science communicator. Outside of science, she enjoys triathlons, exploring vegan restaurants and hanging out with her dog Hazel.   

Melissa Galinato (@omneuron | webposts)

Julia C Gorman (@JC_Gorman | posts)

Rose Hendricks (@rohendricks | webposts) is a Researcher at the FrameWorks Institute, a communications think tank in Washington, D.C. She is also a member of the ComSciCon Leadership Team. ComSciCon is a series of science communication workshops around the United States developed by graduate students, for graduate students. Rose earned her Ph.D. in Cognitive Science at UCSD in 2017.

Joseph Herdy (posts)

Kerin Higa (@kkiritah | posts) is a Scientific Writer/Editor at City of Hope medical research center, where she tries to drink 96oz of warm water every day. Kerin earned her Ph.D. in Neurosciences from UCSD in 2017. Ashley J. usually writes Kerin’s bios, so go ask her for more information!

James Howe (posts)

Samantha Jones (@samjscience | web | posts) is a science writer for the American Chemical Society in Washington, DC. She writes and hosts Reactions, a PBS Digital Studios and American Chemical Society YouTube series. Sam received her PhD from UCSD’s Biomedical Sciences program in the spring of 2018.

Ashley Juavinett (@analog_ashley | webposts) is an educator, writer, and neuroscientist. She currently works as an Assistant Teaching Professor in Biological Sciences at UC San Diego.

Megan Kirchgessner (@meg_kirchposts)

Melissa Lau (@hellomlau | webposts)

Jarrett Lovelett (@unClogSci | posts)

Susan Lubejko (posts) is our former director and recent alum, earning her Ph.D. in Neurosciences from UCSD in 2024.

Ethan McBride (@egmcb | posts)

Nicole Mlynaryk (posts)

Orlangie Natera-Naranjo completed her PhD in Neurosciences at UCSD in 2018 and is currently a postdoc in the Mobley lab. She is interested in studying basic mechanisms underlying cell physiology and signaling, particularly in the context of nervous system development and function. Outside the lab, she enjoys keeping up-to-date with sociopolitical issues, cooking, and visiting her hometown Puerto Rico.

Nicholas Nelson (posts)

Peter Osseward (posts)

Andy Peters (@flickerfusion | posts)

Catie Profaci (@cprofaciposts)

Emilie Reas, PhD (@etreas | posts) is a postdoctoral fellow in the UCSD Neuroscience department where she uses MRI to study brain aging and Alzheimer’s disease. She is also a freelance writer and editor for the PLOS Neuroscience Community. Follow her at @etreas.

Haylie Romero (posts)

Marley Rossa (posts | instagram: @marley.rossa)

Meghan Rossi (posts

Maya Sapiurka (@ppyajunebug | posts) is a Scientific Training and Policy Associate at the Society for Neuroscience where she helps develop scientific training materials for scientists across career stages and monitors biomedical workforce policy. Maya graduated from UCSD with her PhD in Neuroscience in 2016.

Drew Schreiner (@SchreinerDrewposts)

Caroline Sferrazza (@csfrazzposts)

Seraphina Solders (posts)

Barbara Spencer (@barbara_spencerposts)

Kelsey Sundby (posts)

Melissa Troyer (@brain_gal web posts) is a recent graduate of the Cognitive Science PhD program, where she worked in the Kutas lab using electrophysiological (EEG) and behavioral methods to study language and memory. Melissa is now a BrainsCAN postdoctoral fellow in the Brain and Mind Institute at Western University in London, Ontario, where she works with Ken McRae and others to study variability in the neural organization and real-time use of knowledge due to individual differences in content expertise.

Rachel Tsunemoto (@rtsunemoto | posts) is a graduate of UCSD’s Neuroscience Graduate Program and interested in communicating science through illustration and animation.  Keep an eye out for her science-related designs and writings on her website.

Elena Vicario (@evicarioorri posts)

Margot Wohl (@RadScientistPod | posts)

Ege Yalcinbas (posts)

Other NeuWrite contributors:

Matt Boisvert (posts) 

Ben Cipollini (@mrquickowl | web posts) 

Erik Kaestner (webposts)

Jason Keller (posts)

Jared Smith (@drjaredbsmith | posts)

We’re always open to new members! If you’re interested in science writing and would like to get involved in our group, please contact us!