Tag Archives: ketamine

June 20

When Illusions Help

What can pushing the limits of reality do for you? There has been a lot of interest recently in using the mind-altering properties of a class of drugs known as psychedelics in the treatment of many psychiatric and neurological disorders. Currently, psychedelics are being explored as a novel treatment for depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, […]

January 21

Ketamine and Psychedelics: Next-Wave Antidepressants

Ketamine and psychedelics are making headlines as new alternative antidepressant therapeutics. For years scientists have been studying the benefits of these drugs on the brain and exciting new research has led to the idea that our understanding of what underlies depression could be wrong and these next-wave antidepressants could be another remedy of one of […]

March 21

Ketamine: A New Hope

You may know ketamine as “Special K,” a party drug with a niche in the Burning Man and rave scenes. It’s known for its dissociative effects–its ability to make its users feel as if they are floating, detached from their bodies and surroundings. It’s a quick trip; the main dissociative effects of ketamine only last […]