Category Archives: Executive function

April 25

Soothing Towel Sounds

There is more to the new fad of ASMR than you think.

December 28

Into the Flow: Insights into the elusive Flow State 

Have you ever been so absorbed in an activity that time stops; you are completely dialed in and acutely aware of every movement of your body; you’re performing at your highest level, but you feel no effort; you are completely in the moment, and it feels incredible! This is flow. What is Flow? I experienced […]

September 01

Mind Over Matter: The Effect of Positive Mindsets on Performance and Well-being

This article highlights the fascinating effects that positive mindsets and self affirmations have on human performance and well-being.

November 17

A Series of Exciting Events

Have you ever wondered what it is like to have a seizure? Well, I have epilepsy, and let me tell you: so do I. That is because there are many different types of seizures and of epilepsy, and some—like mine—involve a loss of consciousness, as well as memory deficits. What all seizures have in common, […]

July 07

The Forgotten:

Image source: “New Awakenings: The Legacy & Future of Encephalitis Lethargica (EL)” (Sparacin 2012) Some call it “the sleepy-sickness”, others encephalitis lethargica. This mysterious disease, lost to time, bears its colloquial name because those who contracted it entered an “all-enveloping trancelike sleep” (1); and some of those who entered this sleep, did not awake for […]

April 02

Working With Distractions

Many of us are working from home to practice social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Home contains distractions, including family members, chores, social media, and many other possible activities. All of us want to be the best worker/parent/person we can be, but managing different tasks and switching seamlessly between them is difficult. The ability you’re […]

December 26

Open Borders: Remapping the Brain

While reading articles online, you may occasionally stumble across headlines like “Scientists find fear center of the brain,” or “Could this really be where the mind resides?” You might have also heard a TED talk where the speaker discusses how they discovered a part of the brain that makes decisions. Such expressions can take more […]

February 22

Conscious in Dreamland: The Neuroscience of Lucid Dreaming

I do a lot of weird things while sleeping. I talk, walk, and experience vivid dreams, all without conscious awareness. Despite the fact that my dreams are often absurd, I don’t question their content while I’m in them. (Oh, I’ve been hired to make a documentary about Philadelphia Eagles tight end Zach Ertz and his […]

December 15

Get your brain fit

You can’t seem to get yourself to the gym? You are always lazy to work out or go for a run? This infographic might just be the motivation you need! And if you want to know more check out our video Get your brain fit, People’s Choice Award Winner in the Brain Awareness Video Contest […]

September 22

Left Brain, Right Brain, Red Brain, Blue Brain

[En español] With the first presidential debate of 2016 quickly approaching, it’s a good time to consider whether your brain has already cast its vote. There is no shortage of articles that imply your political leanings are reflected in your brain’s structure and function (e.g. Is your brain liberal or conservative?—Fox News, Experts say liberal […]